December 21

I’M A TEACHER! Well, sort of…

I may not have achieved my ultimate goal of being a teacher in my own classroom with my own students, but hey, everyone has to start somewhere! I’ve recently been hired at Oxford Learning and have been getting training over the last two months. Now, I’m considered an Oxford Learning Teacher!

Oxford Learning Logo
I have learned so much since starting as a teacher, and I really respect what they stand for. Oxford Learning has assumed a cognitive approach to learning, aspiring to teach their students how to be the best students possible, in areas such as confidence, self-esteem, homework habits, social skills, and of course academics. From their website:

Life-long tools like high self-esteem, an active, agile mind, and an understanding of how to study, learn, and think. Only Oxford Learning® puts all these outcomes within your child’s reach — along with better grades — with our cognitive approach to learning, where we focus on helping children learn how to learn.
The fact that I get to go to work each week as a teacher and I am able to make a difference in the life of a student is something that I am very grateful for. This is just the beginning of a lifetime of teaching!

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Posted December 21, 2014 by Spencer in category "Education", "Personal", "Teaching

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